Marketing and PR Communication


The main theme of this module is to clarify the basic principles of marketing and PR communication considering the new communication trends of our time. The aim of this module is to explain the functioning of the marketing and PR principles in practice, where at the centre of the action are the customers and the marketing tries to reach out to them and to build a long-lasting and loyal relationship with them.

Recommended literature

  • Marketing Management, P. Kotler, KL Keller, Grada Publishing
  • How cool brands stay hot, Joeri Van der Bergh, Mattias Behrer, Bizbooks
  • The service profit chain, James L. Heskett, W. Earl Sasser, Leonard A. Schlesinger , Simon and Schuster 1997

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V Jámě 1, 110 00 Praha 1 Navigácia k cieľu